Please follow the links below to view our publications and mentions.
Study Protocol: D’Souza, R., Seymour, R. J., Knight, M., Dzakpasu, S., Joseph, K. S., Thorne, S., Ospina, M. B., Barrett, J., Cook, J., Fell, D. B., Scott, H., Metcalfe, A., van den Akker, T., Lapinsky, S., Skeith, L., Murray-Davis, B., Shah, P., Forte, M., Ashraf, R., Chundamala, J., … Malhamé, I. (2022). Feasibility of establishing a Canadian Obstetric Survey System (CanOSS) for severe maternal morbidity: a study protocol. BMJ open, 12(3), e061093.
Published Commentary: Malhamé, Knight, M., & D’Souza, R. (2022). Initial Steps in Developing and Implementing a Canadian Obstetric Survey System (CanOSS) for Severe Maternal Morbidity. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada: JOGC, 44(6), 637–638.
Malhamé, Knight, M., & D’Souza, R. (2022). Prémices de la conception et mise en œuvre d’un système d’enquête canadien en obstétrique sur la morbidité maternelle grave. Journal D’obstétrique et Gynécologie Du Canada: JOGC., 44(6), 639–640.